Introducing the Neo Friends Playhouse by Smoby, a whimsical haven where imagination takes flight. Crafted with care in France, this playhouse embodies quality and creativity. Its vibrant design and durable construction promise endless hours of fun for children aged 2 and above. With its charming details, including a welcoming doorbell, peek-a-boo windows, and a cozy interior, the Neo Friends Playhouse sparks imaginative adventures. Whether hosting tea parties, playing house, or embarking on imaginary journeys, little ones will delight in this enchanting space. Smoby's commitment to safety ensures worry-free play, making the Neo Friends Playhouse a cherished addition to any backyard or play area.
Spacious playhouse with 2 half doors, 6 windows with 2 shutters,
1 removable picnic table with its benches, 1 summer kitchen. Possibility to add many
accessories. Anti-UV.
Packaging Details: 217 x 155 x 172 cm